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3 Quick Lawn Fixes You Can Do in a Weekend

How to fix lawn and grass bare spots

How to fix lawn bare spots and soil compaction

Discover 3 quick and easy lawn fixes that you can do in just one weekend with this helpful post by ProGreen Plus. Learn how to repair bare spots, address soil compaction, and control weeds for a healthier and more beautiful lawn. Follow these expert tips to help your lawn look its best in no time.
Having a lush, luxuriant lawn — and still having time to enjoy it — may be simpler than you think. Many lawns are just a few quick fixes away from the thicker, healthier look within your reach. With a small investment of time and the help of superior lawn care products, the three quick weekend fixes below yield big returns. When the time comes for those special backyard barbecues, your thick, lush lawn will be ready for the traffic and the compliments it’ll earn.

Patch And Repair

Despite your best efforts to protect your yard, bare spots show up. Outdoor entertaining, playful kids, energetic pets and a host of other factors can leave your lawn in need of quick repairs. Avoid patch and repair projects when weather is overly hot and grasses are stressed or dormant. In northern lawns, fall and spring are perfect times. Late spring and early summer are ideal for southern lawns. With a premium, all-in-one product quick weekend yard repairs are as simple as 1-2-3:

  1. Prep the area. Remove any dead grass and debris from the damaged area, and rake the soil lightly to smooth and prep it for repair.
  2. Apply the repair mixture. Spread the mixture over the prepped area, wherever you want thick, beautiful grass. The combination product includes superabsorbent wood mulch, premium grass seed and fertilizer to nourish seed and start it out right.
  3. Water the area. Keep the area watered daily until the seed sprouts and grass grows to mowing height — about 3 inches tall. The natural mulch is dark when moist. When it turns lighter, it’s time to water again.

You’ll see bare spots turn green in just two to three weeks, but give new grass another four to five weeks before use. Depending on your growing region and your weather, grass should reach mowing height in two to seven weeks. Limit activity on your quick yard repairs until you’ve mowed them three to four times. Once you reach that point, grass roots are ready for some traffic.

Thicken And Restore

As lawns age, they naturally get thin unless a helping hand steps in. Lawn professionals depend on overseeding to keep lawns thick and lush. Overseeding is simply sowing grass seed into your existing lawn, so new seedlings fill in and restore your lawn to its thicker, lusher glory. Early fall and spring are great times for overseeding cool-season northern lawns. Late spring is ideal for warm-season southern lawn grasses.

Overseeding with a premium grass seed improves your lawn in other ways as well.

  1. Prep your lawn for seed. Mow your existing grass as short as possible, then lightly rake the soil to loosen debris and it to prepare to receive the seed.
  2. Spread the seed with a regular lawn spreader. Overseeding only takes about half the amount need for a new lawn, so check the seed bag for the overseeding rate and spreader settings. Follow the recommendations; don’t overdo it. Too much seed will slow down the process, not speed it up.
  3. Water the area well. Continue to irrigate daily or as needed to keep it moist until seedlings emerge and reach a mowing height of about 3 inches.

Depending on the Smart Seed grass type you choose, you’ll typically see results as new seedlings emerge in seven to 14 days. New grasses should reach mowing height in about seven to eight weeks. Continue with your regular mowing schedule as they get established, but hold off on heavy yard play or foot traffic until you’ve mowed them three or four times. Then your thicker lawn will be ready for use.

Replenish And Rejuvenate

Thick, beautiful lawns depend on nitrogen more than any other nutrient, but nitrogen leaches away with rainfall and irrigation. Keeping grass healthy and nourished means replenishing of this essential nutrient. With a premium lawn fertilizer you can rejuvenate more lawn with less fertilizer and get superior results. Just a few simple steps and this quick weekend fix is at work:

  1. Prep your lawn for feeding. Mow at your regular mowing height and water your lawn well one to two days before you fertilize.
  2. Spread the fertilizer with a regular lawn spreader. Check the bag for the proper rate and settings for your spreader.
  3. Sweep any stray fertilizer back onto grass. Excess fertilizer that ends up on sidewalks or other hard surfaces goes back on grass instead of into stormwater systems.
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